Philosophical Discussion
This group meets in member’s homes on the second Thursday of each month where a variety of topics topics are discussed from a philosophical point of view. Some topics touched on in the past are the theories of Descartes; Education; Confidentiality and Secrecy; Music; Beauty; Love and Longing; “I Think therefore I am.” Propaganda.
Timing: Second Thursday of each month at 2:00pm
Convenor: Sharon McIntosh
Location: Contact the convenor to find the next venue
Cost: Afternoon tea $2 and occasional photocopying costs.
This group is currently full. If you are interested contact the convenor to find out if they run a waiting list.
You need to be a financial member of U3A to participate in an Interest Group. Please wear your badge when you attend a group meeting.
If you would like to join an Interest Group then contact the Group Convenor directly (details above) OR click on the Apply to join this Group button below. That will take you to a screen where you can fill in your details. These will be passed to the Interest Group Convenor who will contact you.
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