Kāpiti U3A Garden Group
Do you like gardening? Talking about gardening? Sharing plants, books, ideas? Visiting other gardens? This is a small, informal group of enthusiasts who meet monthly to visit a garden, a nursery or meet at each other’s homes for morning tea. No charge but visits away may incur costs, ie. petrol, entry fee, light lunch. Some walking involved.
Convenor: Julia Tait Ph 027 2701280
Timing: February – December, 3rd Tuesday, 10:00 – Noon.
Maximum Number: 25
Location: Varies – dependent on travel
You need to be a financial member of U3A to participate in an Interest Group. Please wear your badge when you attend a group meeting.
If you would like to join this Interest Group you should contact the Convenor directly – details above. They can tell you immediately if there are vacancies or if the group has a waiting list. If you use the Apply to join this Group button then we will forward your request to the Convenor who will then contact you in due course.
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