About the Kāpiti U3A
Kāpiti U3A was set up in 1993 and it now has about 400 members. We run approximately 20 Interest Groups during a year. Groups may be either weekly, fortnightly, or monthly and they can run for a few sessions or the whole year depending on the content and the wishes of the leader and the members.
Membership of Kāpiti U3A costs $15 per person ($30 for a couple) for a year. All communication is by email. If you cannot manage email please contact one of the committee and we will see what can be arranged. Interest Groups set their own fees to cover any costs such as venue hire, refreshments, photocopying etc.
Kāpiti U3A is run by a volunteer committee and the present committee is:
Name | |
Phil Glasson | webmaster@kapitiu3a.com |
Dave Hornblow | dave@hornblow.co.nz |
Julia Kennedy | juliakenn@gmail.com |
Sharon McIntosh | sharonmcintosh60@gmail.com |
Wim Oosterhoff | wim@sound-advice.co.nz |
Judy Turner | jt.timesone@gmail.com |
If you are willing to volunteer to help with our administration then we would love to hear from you !
IF there are any matters you would like to raise with the committee please email any of the above committee members or use the contact form at this link.
If you have an idea for an Interest Group please contact any one on the committee.
You can download a copy of the current Kāpiti U3A Rules from this page
Kāpiti U3A is registered charity #CC22758
Kāpiti U3A is an Incorporated Society #635275